Tuesday, February 22, 2011

T is for...

T is for...maraThons! Woke up early and headed down to the race. Training for this time was much less than last, but I still managed to finish due to a mid-race swap of my knee brace. But a runner's got to eat:

Breakfast: T is for training fuel! A protein bar and Gatorade during the race to get 26.2 miles to the finish line.

Lunch: Chipotle happened to be across the street of the finish line so carnitas tacos sounded like an ideal post-race fuel-up.

Dinner: Had planned on having some tuna and tagliatelle pasta, but my awesome roommate Cleve brought over some tempeh stir fry for me so I ate that instead with some tortilla chips.
Other than that, lots of water and stretching to help out walking the next day.

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